Poirot Adventures: The Mystery of the Baghdad Chest

Oh boy, time for another murder!

A vicious crime has taken the national spotlight. During a dinner party, a man was brutally murdered and stuffed into the titular Baghdad chest. It seems to be an open and shut case, with the true killer already being captured. However, the wife of the victim believes the killer – her lover – is innocent. Thus she enlists the help of none other than Hercule Poirot to get to the bottom of the chest and find the real killer!

This is definitely one of Poirot’s best. The crime is just so intriguing; a man brutally killed and stuffed into a box, a vicious crime done for love. It’s classic murder mystery genius!

Better yet: you can actually solve this one! All the clues you need are presented in a clear and interesting way. At the same time, it also employs a fantastic bait-and-switch that genuinely took me off-guard! It’s a fantastic plot.

Which I normally wouldn’t say, considering the whole murder is basically just a love triangle. Or… more of a love square.

That said, the ending is kinda abrupt. The mystery is solved and it’s really satisfying! But then the story just… ends. No falling action or resolution. You hit the climax, get the reveal, then we’re done.

Even so, I really liked ‘The Mystery of the Baghdad Chest.’ It’s an interesting premise with an equally compelling mystery. If you’ve got half an hour to kill, give it a read!

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