Tag: Dragon Ball

  • On Shounen and Transformations

    On Shounen and Transformations

    *This article contains spoilers for Dragon Ball Z, Naruto: Shippuden, One Piece, and Hunter X Hunter. Got it? Good.* Transformation as a concept is all but synonomous with the shounen genre. Ever since Goku traded his black locks for gold, every series in the genre wanted a piece of that pie. Who could blame them?…

  • A Tribute to Akira Toriyama

    A Tribute to Akira Toriyama

    This one is going to hurt. On March 1st, 2024, Akira Toriyama passed away due to acute subdural hematoma. At 68, he’d put his pen to countless creative works, from his original gag manga Dr. Slump to providing artwork for iconic video games like Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger to, of course, his most famous…

  • Luffy Could Beat Goku and I Can Prove It

    Luffy Could Beat Goku and I Can Prove It

    Remember that weird cross-over between Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Toriko? Shit would have been wild if it weren’t really boring. Let’s get one thing out of the way: I despise the idea of ‘power scaling.’ Obsessing over who could beat whom in a fight can be good fun. But nine times out of ten,…

  • We Need to Talk About Dragon Ball Daima

    We Need to Talk About Dragon Ball Daima

    Toriyama is taking the franchise to strange new places… Dragon Ball is a series of highs and lows. Z was amazing… up until the Buu saga kinda messed it all up. GT was one of the most disappointing anime I’ve ever seen. Super was a mixed bag; it had some great moments and the movies…

  • Icons of Shounen: Son Goku (Dragon Ball)

    Icons of Shounen: Son Goku (Dragon Ball)

    Shounen is by far the most popular genre of anime. Ever since Fist of the North Star, it’s been manga’s #1 cash cow. As such, it’s also the most competitive and densely packed genres. Which means we’ve got a lot of characters to look at. And more importantly: rank. Starting with everyone’s favorite martial artist…